Thursday, 9 March 2017

Today I Crystallized Something Larger than Life

[An article written last year. Just realized that I never got around to publishing it. Better late than never! ]

The revelations that dawn on us as we progress in this journey called life - those are the items that enrich us as individuals. They add to our intelligence, and they shape us as good human beings. In Psychology it is referred as crystallized intelligence, which increases with age. I got richer in it by a few points today.

One of the elder grannies in our large family passed away today after being bedridden for a few years. The death was an expected shocker; but even so, I realized that the news brings with it a bout of emotions. It looks like no amount of preparation will do for this one worldly adversary called death. You have to go over that moment when you finally deal with the fact that she is gone!

One revelation that I had amidst the roller coaster was that.. when one passes away, its the little things they did for us that first come rushing to our minds. And more than the material things, it is the immaterial stuff that steals the scene. For instance when I think of the occasion where she gifted me a dress, it is her smile and the loving pat on the back that comes to my mind, and not how glittery or colorful or costly the dress was.

Also death has a way of crushing all vices. When confronted with death we realise that those do not matter, none of it ever mattered. Its the good deeds that we are going to miss.

I now question myself - where do I stand? Other than immediate family, do I take time to do the small nice things for others? The acts which linger on and create that positive ring when they think of me! Am I too busy living life to notice others or spare time for any of this?

Well, this was some meaningful time I spent with myself. And I think all of us ought to do this and give the matter some thought. One of the things that our elder generation taught us is that life is not all rush and no reflection. That is so not the way life works.

It is alright to be a little selfish for our family, to be possessive about what is ours. All our small vices will be forgiven... as long as we let love fill our heart for those around us, occasionally spare a moment of thought for them, and sometimes go the extra mile to support them when we realize they need a hug.

All of us are capable of infinite love. This is a manufacturer's secret. Only we need to realize that life is much more than our day-to-day strifes. Try to plan it well so that we leave time and energy for the things that really matter, to us and to others. Leave that golden mark in someone's heart today, to remember us by, when its finally time for us to move on!

From that timeless poem, Death the leveller.
Only the actions of the just
Smell sweet and blossom in their dust.

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